
Decorating blog is skill. Every blogger want to their blog are most attractive. Some one like me are dumb to about html and other.One web I like tag cloud. I don't know how this work and how to install this tag cloud on my blog.

After so much up and downs I succeed in to put blog cloud on my blog
There are two types blog cloud are I put on my blog

One is static blog cloud. In that blog cloud , fonts are in sizes are diffrent they look like so great below link is help me to install tag cloud.

I had put this code on my blog Money Drives Life.


Simple Tag Cloud

You can see in corner of this blog animated tag cloud. For this blog cloud below link was help me.

Animated Tag Cloud

Both links are helping with simple instruction you can check it. If you like , then tell to me.

I am trying so many tips  to increase blog traffic. Most of them are not works so many codes are pasted and removed from my blog. Google is only search engine which promotes my blog to viewers. I was goingto mad question , "why my blog traffic is not increse?" At that time when I demorlize I found one web address which drive good amount of traffic to my blog.

www.blogcatolog.com is only second web who promote blog in free of charge , first one obiviously Great Google.com 

So I like to say Go and sign up on  blogcatalog  

And increase your blog traffic. Blogcatalog also provides so many features to your convienece I like.Now it is time to check...

On my own study conclude me that "ORIGINAL" blog contain and proper marketing will help you to increase your blog traffic.

Offline Blogging tool

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

In world of blog so many fascinating changes are waiting to implement and invent. Some brilliant people were start to invent and research new things only for blog writer. I can mention here blogger ( instead that blog writer). But it indicate monopoly of Blogger.com. It mat hurt some my blog writer brother and sister, so avoid it. Okay come at point.

To write blog we can use Blog providers Dashboard or any other platform which is provided by blog space provider. This is time consuming and we have to shift every time  from one blog to another blog (if you are owner or more than one blog). This tedious time consuming job make bored to our writer. They try to avoid go on dashboard. They first write blog on any platform like notepad, wordpad, Microsoft word,Tomboy or any other text editor. Still the log in blog and waiting for downloading dashboard remain as it is.

This time happy to those people who suffer from long time. On web there so many fantastic tools are available for you. On web you have  require only one thing for your problem, patience to find solution. To find solution you have to dig to deep on search engines.

Now I had two solution in my hand are

BLogtk are first software run on my Linux OS(Sorry for Windows OS owner it is not for you). It start very good, but ...but when I start to configure  blog's connection this software it shows random and irratic behavoir. Later it can't open to taker screenshot also.

Later I downloaded Scribefire on PC. Scribefire are come with firefox browser. So you have to require firefox browser first. It working fine. This post is posting on scribefire.

Shift from widows to linux

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

From last five to four months I had shifted from widows OS to Linux. Initially I did dual boot OS on my PC. That time I can used both windows as well as Linux also. I had buy one Linux Bible with Fedora 6. I found so much difficulties because I had savy do Windows . I had habit to spoon feeding by Windows. I had face so many difficulties on Fedora 6. I can not run MP3 format on Fedora till date. Due to heavy viruses on my Internet Explorer. I had decided to shift dual boot to full Linux system. I had shift my whole system to Linux.

I am happy with Linux. I had found new space in computer and feel such free from Windows obligation. I can No doubt in my mind when I did any document or any thing on my system. I had found so many software free of charge. FOSS provides free software to all. This is very good movement to make world free from Copyright and so many same things. I am not developer... I am end user. So I like to appreciate this wonderful work done by so many anonymous people.

Now I had upgraded my Fedora 6 to Fedora 10. There is so many problem with LInux,but every problem teach me new ideas about Linux. Sometime I am frustrated with this,but just while I start to face problem. Then sometime I had succed to solve problem, sometime not.