
I know as blog writer you are working hard. This is very hard work to make blog more attractive and readable. Content is king in blog. You are working to published best content for your blog. To come with amazing and traffic sucker content you read tones of articles and book.
I just pointing out this very tough to come with good content and it take much more effort to make blog successful.

I started my blog from scratch. I doesn't have good background of computer and software. I made it all thing online. I started blog in the aim which will fulfill my some bills, so I can give some time to my interest. Since those days I had started blog, I come up with many difficulties. This is very hard to know about any problem on net, but you can find out if you have vigilant. You can solve those problem with little effort.

There is so many behavior on net world. Some of them are stole your traffic by many way. I don't want to hurt any so I called it "behavior". No one is bad only behavior can conclude who are you?

So many time I found my visitor flow is changed to suddenly. There is fall in my visitor so this start chain reaction. My earning also  goes down. So patience starts to shake for blog, but solving those problem I over come all difficulties. my article will show you how your template will stole your money? This is one of the trap. while you change your template. Most of good template provider give detail knowledge of template and there advertisement code on template. for more

Another way is I found on my blog who stole my traffic.  This hack is use my whole post as there own post. They use article to full there content. Same way this small hack use by those man.This is hack happen using feed subscriber service.

Now you can take it here point by point.

  • Some one sign-up for my "feed".
  • They now get every post in their mailbox.
  • They use same email as author email for their blog.
  • Now my whole post directly post on there blog when they get my feed in email.
  • In this way they subcribe more than 10 to 20 blog. Now there blog is full with content, but your blog soar to traffic.

Now what prevention you should take.

  • Check every email address in feed's subscriber list.
  • if there is any different subscriber rather than common email services(YAHOO!, GMAIL) note that email address.
  • Now check whether this email may be look like
  • ABC.XXX@popularblogporvider.com
  • If you will found after@ any blog provider then remove this email address from your feed list. (No problem you lose one reader, you save nine.)

Hope you like this and understand this. If you have any queries then feel free to write me.

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