In blogging world every one want to stick with ADSENSE. ADSENSE is very good source of income. This clear like sunlight. This true, but no one want to fully rely on ADSENSE also. Every blogger is always search of alternative to ADSENSE but which will run alongwith ADSENSE.
I am also search in this types of earning. This is motto of my blog. I am not hesitate to say that I am here to earn my bread and butter. If you will make your clear and transpernt aim then only you can proceed in those direction.
So now I will found another source(may be out of you know that!!).This information for those who are new to this source.
Chitika made new channel which is called as CHITIKA PREMIUM which are search based adveritsment program. Ads will display when visitor to your blog or web comes through search engine else it will not display. One of the bigger advantage of it (as CHITIKA says). Your regular visitor will not hamper due to it. This ads programs shows ads for user from US adn CANADA only. That means they only targeted to those population and Advetiser.
There are also referral program is also there which give you,chance to earn extra income. Hope this information is fulfils your mind. If you have another doubts feel free to ask.
If your are intrested to CHITIKA| PREMIUM then go and SIGN UP it. It will be proved as another income source to your blog.
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